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Personal Data 


Name:                               RAUL SALINAS DE GORTARI


Place of birth:                  Monterrey, Nuevo León, México


Date of birth:                    August 24, 1946


Profession:                        Civil engineer






Primary school: 1952-1958  Escuela Abraham Lincoln.


Secondary school: 1959-1961 Escuela Secundaria no.3.


High school: 1962-1963 Escuela Preparatoria No.1


Institute modern languages, Washington DC, 1964.


Engineering school: 1965-1969 Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mexico” UNAM.


Thesis: “La Presa de las Adjuntas.”


Master’s Degree:    1972-1973. Transport Planning Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussees. Paris, France.


Thesis: “Le choix technologique dans les pays sousdeveloppes: cas de la construccion routiere”


Master’s Degree:    1973-1974. Industrial development projects. Université de Paris.  Paris, France. Thesis: Social evaluation of projects.

Professional Experience


1970-1971      Assistant in the planning department, ICA.


1972             Chief of “Frente Emisor Central”, “TUNEL, S.A.”


1975             General Sub-Resident of The Chicoasen Hydroelectric Project Planning, “COMISIÓN FEDERAL DE ELECTRICIDAD”.




1976             General Director of the “OBRAS A MANO” program, SECRETARÍA DE OBRAS PÚBLICAS.




1982              Advisor of the “SECRETARÍA DE PROGRAMACIÓN Y PRESUPUESTO”.


1982-1986      General Manager of the distributor system of “COMPAÑÍA NACIONAL DE SUBSISTENCIAS POPULARES (CONASUPO)”.




1987-1988    Vice-president and senior counselor of the Honorable Administration Councils of the 19 subsidiary companies of “DICONSA”.


1988-1989      Senior counselor SERIES “A” of  “BANCO DEL ATLANTICO, S.N.C.”


1988-1990      Planning director of “CONASUPO”.


1989-1991      Senior counselor SERIES “A” of “BANCA CREMI, S.N.C.”


1990-1992      Technical secretary of the evaluation committee of “PROGRAMA NACIONAL DE SOLIDARIDAD” (PRONASOL)”.


1992               Member of the consultee council of “PRONASOL”.


2008-2019         Assistant general director of the “IUSA” group.


2019 - Up to date   Presidential Advisor  "IUSA" Group


Additional     Construction, in infrastructure, as well as in housing.






1982               Permanent member of the Mexican Academy of Engineering

Experience in Teaching and Investigation


1970-1972      Professor of “Investigation And Learning Methods”, Engineering School, UNAM.


1975               Professor of “Project Evaluation”, Economy Master’s School, UNAM.


1975-1978      Professor of “Planning”, Engineering School, UNAM.


1992-1993      Visiting Investigator in the Mexico-United States Study Center of the University of California, San Diego, USA.




Congress and Official Posts as Representative of Mexico


1973-1975      Member of the Organizing Committee of the XV World Congress of Highways of the World Road Association (AIPCR, Asociación Internacional para la construcción de carreteras).


1975                           Secretary of the low cost roads committee in the XV World Congress of Highways of the AIPCR.

Technical director of the General Study of the Chicoasen dam, presented in the “Great Dams World Congress”.


1975-1982      Member of the Low cost roads technical committee and the Economic and financial committee of the AIPCR.


1977                           Representative of the Mexican government and lecturer in the Construction and employment meeting, celebrated on behalf of the “International Labour Office, Geneva, Switzerland (ILO)”.

Mexican delegate and lecturer in the Rural development meeting of the “Organization for economic co-operation and development (OECD)”, Paris.


1978                Executive secretary of the organizing committee and speaker in the International meeting on planning, construction, and conservation of rural roads, sponsored by the United Nations, the World Bank, and the Mexican government.

Mexican delegate and lecturer on technology and development, celebrated in the United Nations meeting in New Delhi, India.

Representative for Mexico in the AIPCR congresses held in Munich, Germany; Sidney, Australia; Brussels, Belgium; besides the one celebrated in Mexico city, Mexico.


Honorary member of Mexico before the International Permanent Commission of the AIPCR.


1979                           Member of the Mexican delegation and lecturer in the AIPCR, celebrated in Vienna, Austria.


1980                           Member of the Expert Delegation of the AIPCR, and lecturer in the African development meeting, celebrated in Nairobi, Kenya.


Member of the Mexican delegation and lecturer in the International Road Federation’s Regional Meeting, held in Buenos Aires, Argentina.


1981                           Technical secretary of the organizing committee and lecturer in the Latin American meeting on road technology for developing countries, sponsored by the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB), and the Mexican government.




Presentations and Conferences



“Participation of the civil society in the Rural Integral Development”.

Round table intervention: “Adequate Technology for the Integral Development”.  Mexican Academy of Engineering.

“Strategic Importance of the Social Rural Sector in the National Economy”. Intervention before the “CONFEDERACION NACIONAL CAMPESINA (C.N.C.)”,

“Food: Supply Structure”. Intervention in the seminar of the Instituto Nacional de Nutrición.



“Evaluation and behavior of the public business in supplying stocks for the population”. Intervention in the International Seminar on the function and development of public business in the economic development.

“The Revolutionary Alliance of the CNC with the Mexican state”. Intervention before the CONFEDERACION NACIONAL CAMPESINA.

“The rural sector before the economic crisis”. Intervention in the Extraordinary National Congress of the CNC.

“Strengthening and structural change of the social commercialization system”. Intervention in the First National Meeting of sindicalized stores and social commercialization units.



“Distribution in the rural integral development and the role the municipalities play”, intervention in the First National reunion of municipal presidents. Ixtapa, Gro.

“The social sector in the popular supplying”, intervention in the Second National Reunion of the popular consulting national program on problems and perspectives of supplying in Mexico. Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas.

“The importance of the guarantee prices as a stimulus for the rural sector”, intervention before the CNC..

“CONASUPO in the regulation and supplying in the rural and urban marginated environment”, intervention in the International Seminar on “Public enterprises and basic products distribution systems”.  Palacio de Minería, Mexico city.



“MEXICO: food stores in rural areas”, paper presented in the Worlds Bank Headquarters, in Washington, D.C., during the celebration of the “Poverty and adjustment politics seminar”.




Published Articles


1975    “Chicoasen Hydroelectric Project”, published by the CFE.


1976    “Reflexing about the use of intensive techniques in handwork in the development of Mexico”, Economic Factor Magazine, México, Pág. 13-24. August 1976.

“Rural Roads”, Civil Engineering Magazine, Official Magazine Of The Civil Engineers College Of Mexico (CICM), No. 299 Pág 42-47.

Memory of the International Meeting on Planning, Construction and Conservation of Rural Roads (Coordinator). Published by SAHOP.


1977    “Two proposals on technological change and job creation in the construction industry”. Article Published In The “Exterior Commerce” Magazine, No. 261, Sep 27, 1977.


1979    Investigations In “Self- Construction”. Memories of the first national reunion on investigations in “self- construction” held in Mexico City, from Jan 23-26, 1979. CONACYT.


1980    “Perspectives of the construction industry, technological aspects”, Civil Engineering Magazine, Official Magazine of the CICM, No. 215.

“Institutionalization of the technological change in the Mexican construction industry”, Engineering Magazine, Official Magazine of the Engineering School, UNAM. No.4 1980.

“Perspective of the civil engineering of Mexico”, (Coordinator), published by the CICM.

Tropos Magazine No.2 publishes “Be Weak”, from the story book “Calculated Death”.



1983    “Supplying strategy of the CONASUPO distributors system”, article published in the “Exterior Commerce” magazine, Vol. 33, No. 6,  México, June, 1983, Pág. 561-568.


1986    “Food decentralization and self-sufficiency”, article published in the “EXCELSIOR” newspaper, May 26, 27 and 28, 1986.


1988 a World Bank publication. Targeted programs for the poor during structural adjustment. A summary of a symposium on poverty and adjustment. April 1988, Pág 22


1990 “The Mexican field before the modernization challenge”. Article published in the “Exterior Commerce” magazine, pág. 816-829 September 1990.


2000    Raul Salinas nos responde.  El Mundo del Abogado Magazine. March, 2000.


2003    Mi Vida en Almoloya. Milenio Magazine. 21, June 2003.

            Lo que vi y viví con Colosio. Milenio Magazine. 28, June 2003.




International Conferences


1989 “The Mexican field before the modernization challenge”. Cornell University. Ithaca, NY. October 1989.


1990 “Modernization in Mexico”. Harvard University. Nov, 1990.


1992 “Liberalisme social et solidarite”. La Maison de I’Amerique Latine. Paris, Fr., Jun 1992.




Published Books


1982    Project evaluation and technology selection in developing countries. Published by SEP, Fondo de Cultura Económica, Collection SEP-Seventies.

Engineering for the rural environment infrastructure. Mexican Academy of Engineering.


1983    Technology, employment and construction in the development of Mexico. Diana Editorial. 1st. Edition, September, 1983. 2nd.  Edition April, 1993.


1984    The alimentary sovereignty: approaches y perspectives. Co-author of this publication, edited by the “Historical Study Center of Agrarism in Mexico”.


1987    Agrarism and agriculture in the independent and post-revolutionary Mexico.

1st. Edition by the Library Committee of the LII Legislatura del Honorable Congreso de la Unión, and by the “Centro de estudios históricos del Agrarismo en México.

Re-impression Edited by CONASUPO.

2nd. Edition  “Fondo de Cultura Económica”.


1988    “DICONSA in the commercial modernization and the popular supply regulation.

1st. Edition by CONASUPO.

2nd. Edition by INAP.


1994    Rural reform in Mexico. The view from the “Comarca Lagunera in 1993. Notebooks on Rural Transformation in Mexico. Number 4. Mexico-United States Study Center of the  University of California in San Diego.


Telecommunications in Mexico before the integration challenge

Co-author 1st. Edition November 1994. Instituto Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores of Monterrey, in collaboration with the University of California in San Diego.


1982-1994      Documental and oral investigation on the micro-history in the Ejido Batopilas, located in the “Laguna” region, Coahuila, Mexico.




Literary Production


1980    “MUERTE CALCULADA” (Calculated Death)

Story Compilation. Edited by Penelope Editorial.


1989    “EL AMANTE, DOS VENTANAS A LA VIDA” (The Lover, Two Windows to Life)

1st. Edition, Diana Editorial (Mexico City).


Translated to Portuguese. “O AMATE, DUAS JANELAS PARA A VIDA

Estacao Liberdade (Sao Paulo, Brasil)

1 first edition and 2 reimpresions made.


            Translated to French. “FENETRES SUR VIE”

Alinea Editorial (France)


1990    “EL SECRETO UN DIA” (The Secret, One Day)

Collection of Poems. Edited by Tucan Editions (Mexico City)


Translated to french.“LE SECRET, UN JOUR”

Alinea Editorial (France)


2005    “DIARIO DEL INFIERNO DE ALMOLOYA” (Diary of the Almoloya Hell)

Diana Editorial


“DIÁLOGOS DE UN DÍA” (Dialogues of One Day)

Diana Editorial


2006 First Edition


2007 Second Edition


“PINCELADAS DE LIBERTAD” (Brushes of Liberty)

Authors Edition




Professional Association Activities


1975-1982      Member of the low cost roads technical committees, and of the economic and financial committee of the AIPCR.


1977-1978      Planning studies director in the xvi directive council of the civil engineers college of Mexico.


1978    Member of the road committee for developing countries of the AIPCR.


1979-1980 General Director of profession analysis, civil engineers college of Mexico.


1986    Vice-president of the State Directive Committee of the Mexican Engineer Society.


1989    Member of the Honor Committee of the Mexican Engineer Society.


1990    Counselor of the “Ex-Alumni Society” of the engineering school, UNAM.


1992    Member of the National Political Council of the Mexican Engineers Society.



Political Activities


1966 Member of Partido Revolucionario Institucional “PRI”.


1982 Member of the national executive committee of “PRI”.


1986 Founding Member of the consultee technical council of CNC.


1992 Secretary of the National Commission for supporting the modernization of PRI.


1993 Coordinator of the commission of citizen causes and social procedures of the state directive committee of PRI, for the state of Nuevo León.



Cultural Activities


1985 Founding partner of the music academy of the “Palacio de Minería, A.C.”




1991 Member of the board of the “Amigos Del Centro Histórico De Coyoacán, A.C.”


CURRENTLY. Member of the board of the “Orquesta Sinfónica De Minería” UNAM.




Sport Activities


1955    Member of the “Asociación Nacional de Charros, A.C.”


1959    National Diving Champion in Inter-Secondary School Competitions.


1960    Wild horseback riding champion, Asociación Nacional de Charros, A.C.


1968    Member of the Mexican Equestrian Team:

2nd. place in the European Grand Prix, Equestrian Jumping Competition, Lucerne, Switzerland.

5th. place in the European Grand Prix, Equestrian Jumping Competition, Rome Italy.


1969    Member of the Mexican Equestrian Team During The Royal Winter Fair in Toronto, Canada.


1970    Member of the Mexican Equestrian Team during the World Championship, celebrated In Labaulle, France.


1971    Member of the Mexican Equestrian Team Pan-American Games, Cali, Colombia.


1972    Mexican National Champion of Equestrian Jumping.


1987    Active member of the Mexican Equestrian Federation, (registration number 1021).


1990    Member of the directive committee in PRO of the Excellence in Sports (PROEXEL).


1990-to date. Promoter and breeder of European competition horses.




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